Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why Worry?

This has been an unusal year for me. 2009 began and as usual, I was having my devotional with God when I felt impress His still small voice saying, "This is your year." I began to weep. I knew what the Lord meant when I heard Him say, "This is your year."

My husband had gone home to be with Him almost eight years ago, and it has been such a difficult financial struggle. So, in my heart I knew that God was saying to me that this year of 2009 I will be out of debt. How can that be when the economy is at it's lowest in years? By faith, I heard Him and I am standing strong believing it will come forth.

I began to take every part time employment that crossed my path. I worked hard. I not only worked hard, but I continued to be in ministry with joy. My calendar was full. Every day I awoke asking God how can I serve You today? He brought more work to be done.

I also was Spiritual Director for Texoma Emmaus Women's Walk in August. Our theme scripture for that walk was "Don't worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God (Phil 4:6)

The word worry is also translated in some versions as anxious. I never thought of myself as being anxious about anything. I'm a visionary. I plan and expect things to work out, but surely I would never be anxious. Yes, I learned this year that I am very anxious about a lot of things. Thank God, He is still working on us!

I can truly say that our God is faithful. I began in January paying off debts and by August I WAS DEBT FREE! Only God could bring that about! I give Him glory!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Peggy, I love your blog. Hope you are going to write more. It is a great way to get to celebrate together! I am so excited about what God has done for you...and love hearing about it. I travel again next week so am working on three teachings for the week. After Nov 7th, I am home for the rest of the year. Let's get together. Love you, Suz
